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Cookiecutter PyPackage

Cookiecutter template for a Python package, built with popular develop tools and conform to best practice.

CI Status License


This tool will create Python project with the following features:

  • Poetry: Manage dependency, build and release
  • Makefile template for typical operations
  • Mkdocs: Writing your docs in markdown style
  • Testing with Pytest (unittest is still supported out of the box)
  • Tox: Test your code against environment matrix, lint and artifact check
  • Format with Black and Isort
  • Lint code with Flake8
  • Check static type with Mypy (optional)
  • Pre-commit hooks: Formatting/linting anytime when commit your code
  • Mkdocstrings: Auto API doc generation
  • Command line interface using Click (optional)
  • bump2version: Pre-configured version bumping with a single command
  • Continuous Integration/Deployment by GitHub actions, includes:
    • publish dev build/official release to TestPyPI/PyPI automatically when CI success
    • publish documents automatically when CI success
    • extract changelog from CHANGELOG and integrate with release notes automatically
  • Host your documentation from GitHub Pages with zero-config


Install the latest Cookiecutter if you haven't installed it yet (see instruction here). I suggest using pipx to make it a global tool in an isolated Python environment

pipx install cookiecutter

Generate a Python package project:


And code away!

Cookiecutter options

project_name The name of your new Python package project. This is used in documentation, so spaces and any characters are fine here.

project_slug The name of your Python package for PyPI, also as the repository name of GitHub. Typically, it is the slugified version of project_name.

pkg_name The namespace of your Python package. This should be Python import-friendly.

project_short_description A 1-sentence description of what your Python package does.

full_name Your full name.

email Your email address.

github_username Your GitHub username.

version The starting version number of the package.

use_mypy If use mypy for static type check in pre-commit hooks and tox.

install_precommit_hooks If you choose yes, then cookiecutter will install pre-commit hooks for you.

docstrings_style one of google, numpy, pep257. It's required by flake8-docstrings.

command_line_interface Whether to create a console script using Python Click. Console script entry point will match the project_slug. Options: ['click', "No command-line interface"]

CI/CD setup

Except the settings above, you'll also need configure gitub repsitory secrets at page repo > settings > secrtes, and add the following secrets: - TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN (required for publishing dev release to testpypi) - PYPI_API_TOKEN (required for publish )


This repo is forked from waynerv/cookiecutter-pypackage, whose origin traces all the way to audreyfeldroy/cookiecutter-pypackage